fish"s blog..;)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

My last day

its been a while x add this is the only time yg aku ade nak tulis post..
before aku cite sket about my post, aku nak gtau ape yg aku wat skrg..

time cuti sem ni aku keje kat PTAR uitm...mmg x lari dari UiTM..huhuhuhuuu...kene design Annual report for PTAR..kind of fun and challenge job tapi aku cube sahut gak..masuk sem nanti kite akan start Praktikal Training..cant wait..mcm manelah kite nnti ek...

my birthday fall on 8th of october and on that same day, we have presentation with En. Hasri.. Teringat plak..huhuhuhuu..presentation booklet..masing2 strive the best to get high mark.. after the presentation En. Hasri belanje kite makan kat Kedai Kopi area tasik tu..ingat?... x ramai yg datang..tapi best gak r since it was my birthday and i celebrate it with my classmate.. masing2 having good time after the tiring presenatation..En. Hasri wat surprise for me as Aizat n wahe brought Cake for sweet..thanx..

all along the moment, eventhough we're having a blasting moment aku dapat rase yang thi moment wont last long because our road gonna end...sedih..nak abes belaja tu is the best part, but left the memories with friend mcm sedih lak...pasni mesti susah nak kumpulkan balik classmate since everybody got their own business..

Never Mind..
eventhough x dapat bersama, but make sure kite keep in touch...maybe one day we will meet accidently..and if that moment come to reality, dont forget to say "hai"...

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